
Make better material decisions

Find and compare materials for your projects.

Materials suppliers: ready for something new?

Materials suppliers: ready for something new?

We're building a new supplier search tool on Matmatch. If you supply materials, you can now list your company for free.

Find materials from trusted companies around the world.


Find the right material, quickly

Find the optimal material based on your required performance and constraints using our advanced search capabilities. Matmatch also provides a wealth of additional information about materials and applications.

Find the right material, quickly

Material comparison made easy

Datasheets on Matmatch are in a standardised and consistent format, allowing you to compare different materials easily. All major engineering properties are covered, so you can also compare the ones that matter most to your application.

Material comparison made easy

Questions? Ask away

Once you’ve found a material that looks interesting, you can easily get in touch with the material producer directly on Matmatch to start a discussion about your needs and receive technical assistance.

Questions? Ask away

Comprehensive, reliable data at your fingertips.

Our material database is curated from a variety of trusted sources and verified by our in-house team of materials experts.